Converting to and from TimezonesΒΆ
The following code shows how to convert between localtime and UTC, query an sMAP server for data, and display the resulting time-series.
This examples shows occupancy data, which has dynamics in localtime. I.e., people arrive on-site around seven in the morning, and leave around three in the afternoon. Assuming the current timezone is Europe/Copenhagen, people arrive on-site around 06:00 UTC and leave around 14:00 UTC. However, it can be useful to access the time-series with a localtime index, for instance for plotting, or for using the time-series with programs that do not support time-zones.
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import asyncio
import pytz
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from cfei.smap import SmapAiohttpInterface
async def main():
hours = mdates.HourLocator(interval=1)
smap = SmapAiohttpInterface("http://hostname:8079")
# This is localtime naive, i.e., there is no information about timezone.
timezone_naive_local_datetime = datetime(2018, 2, 6, 4)
# 2018-02-06T04:00:00
# This creates a timezone object to represent the desired timezone.
timezone = pytz.timezone("Europe/Copenhagen")
# This converts the timezone-naive datetime to a timezone-aware datetime.
# This is still localtime, but it carries information about the timezone.
timezone_aware_local_datetime = timezone.localize(timezone_naive_local_datetime)
# 2018-02-06T04:00:00+01:00
# This converts the localtime to UTC.
# It is necessary because comparisons between datetimes with different
# timezones is not supported in Python and pandas.
timezone_aware_utc_datetime = timezone_aware_local_datetime.astimezone(pytz.UTC)
# 2018-02-06T03:00:00Z
# A UTC timezone-aware datetime can be used with this library.
readings = await smap.fetch_readings_intertwined(
timezone_aware_utc_datetime + timedelta(hours=14),
"uuid = '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123412341234'",
# The resulting time-series have always their index in UTC.
timezone_aware_utc_index = readings.index
# Most time-series processing can be done in UTC, but sometimes it may
# be necessary to convert it to localtime.
# This is localtime but it still carries information about the timezone.
timezone_aware_localtime_index = timezone_aware_utc_index.tz_convert(timezone)
# And occasionally it may be necessary to drop the timezone information
# entirely.
# These situations are critical and must be carefully handled.
# First the index is converted to localtime, and then its timezone is set
# to None.
timezone_naive_localtime_index = timezone_aware_localtime_index.tz_localize(None)
figure, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3)
axes[0].set_title("Timezone-aware UTC index")
axes[0].step(timezone_aware_utc_index, readings.values)
axes[1].set_title("Timezone-aware localtime index")
axes[1].step(timezone_aware_localtime_index, readings.values)
axes[2].set_title("Timezone-naive index")
axes[2].step(timezone_naive_localtime_index, readings.values)
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
The generated plot is shown in Fig. 1. The first time-series is rising at 06:00+0000, and the second one is rising at 07:00+0100, which are indeed the same instant in two different timezones. The third time-series is instead rising at 07:00, which is ambiguous. However, this time-series can be processed by other programs that do not support timezones. It is responsibility of the user to properly manage the timezone information for the rest of the pipeline.